
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Alice Bautista Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Alice Bautista

I am Alice Bautista,65 years old, a stroke survivor & no gallblader has been doing keto/IF since last September 2017. My Non-Scale Victories (NSV) include being out of prescribed medications for type2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, angina pectoris, anxiety, gerd/heartburn, inflammation/back pains, migraine, etc.. I am absolutely free from any medications now. Currently, I am enjoying my journey full of energy & strong (workouts 3-4 times a week), alert with mental clarity, no longer cranky, no mood swings, sleeps like a baby,and freedom from all the illnesses mentioned above. I have lost 40 lbs. and 10 inches off my waist.???????? I am continuously doing keto/IF with my daughter who considers me as her inspiration together with all of my co-lab members????. In time, she will also be sharing her own journey in this way of eating (WOE),our chosen healthy lifestyle for life????. Thanks be to God, Dr. Eric Berg & his wife, Karen and their Team and to all my co-Keto/IFers in this lovable lab? Am sharing some of my before and after pictures:

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