
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


This lifestyle isn’t a set plan. It’s an understanding of health first, diet second.

Images Story

By: Teri M.

At my highest weight I was 225 pounds. Even at that weight, I carried zero fat in my legs. I wore a fat shield on my front torso. The very first video I watched by Dr. Berg was about body types. I quickly learned I had an adrenal body type; weight carried in the stomach with smaller legs. From that video I learned WHY the body gains weight that way; stress, poor sleep, poor diet, and tired adrenal glands. August of 17, I went to work. I cleared the food out of my refrigerator and replaced with Keto approved foods. I planned my meals everyday, no surprises and no excuses. I worked my way up to 6 cups of leafy greens a day. I started to feel so good. I looked down at my hands one day and my nails were growing, my skin was glowing and my mood was consistent. Each and every day I challenged myself to watch another video by Dr. Berg. He helped me understand a very important aspect of a successful Keto lifestyle; in order to lose weight, one has to get healthy. This lifestyle isn’t a set plan. It’s an understanding of health first, diet second.

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