
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


My Blood Sugars Are Near Normal

Images Story

By: Cynthia Jones

My name is Cynthia Sallaberria, aka (Cindianna Jones), I would like to share my story with you. Back in November 2014, I found out I got type 2 diabetes from taking Lipitor. Anyway, I was in a panic and called a friend who also had diabetes and she mentioned the Lipitor causing type 2. Needless to say, I did some research and in fact, there are a lot of people who ended up with it!? While I was on the internet, I saw your kale shake video, click on it, watched it, and started it immediately, and well, you save me from going blind, my blood sugar was up over 547 couldn't see, everything was so blurry, I had to wear my "reading glasses" to see! So after 2 weeks of the kale shakes, I just woke up one morning and was able to see!! So THANK YOU for helping me to keep my sugar at a normal level and most of all saving me from going blind...YAY!!! I did take metformin for about a week but had to stop taking it due to the problems it was giving me. But continuing the shakes and still drink them 3x a day! Thank you again, Dr. Berg, I truly believe in your system and you...BTW, I make your P-I-Z-Z-A twice a month, LOVE IT! I tell everyone I know about my story and share your information with them, even on Facebook and Twitter! Thank you for taking the time to read this! See you as soon as I can! Sincerely, Cynthia Sallaberria/Cindianna Jones

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