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Jacqueline Schneider's Story

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By: Jacqueline Schneider

Jacqueline Schneider is a thirty-something mom of three. She’s had issues with her weight ever since she was a little girl. As a result she feels like she has tried every diet pill, miracle tea, and weight-loss product ever made.

At the beginning of this story, in July 2016, she was still struggling with her weight. It was then that Schneider decided to “get serious” about her health and began a strict keto diet. “I saw 310 pounds (141 kg) on the scale and I decided enough was enough,” she said. “I had to get serious about cutting sugar and carbs 100%.”

Later, in 2017, she hit a plateau in her weight-loss progress and found Dr. Berg’s videos in her research on what to do about that. “I learned about intermittent fasting from Dr. Berg and that I [didn’t] need to add extra fats to the foods I was eating on my keto diet,” said Schneider. “That made a big difference in achieving such huge success!”

With support from her husband and the motivation to be there for her family and three young sons, Schneider has been able to stick with keto -- despite the fact that it was difficult for her to go through the times when the numbers on the scale weren’t changing.

“The hardest part is not always seeing results,” she said. “But like [many] people say, and it’s true, the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story. I like to take measurements and pictures and overall I saw an amazing amount of progress!

Although she wishes she had started earlier and hadn’t let her weight go as high as it did, Schneider let her keto results keep her motivated and on track. Now she feels so much better than she did when she was heavy and out of shape.

“I was always tired and never had any energy. I could not really exercise and normal everyday activities were becoming like impossible to do,” she said. “That scared me most. Not feeling well all the time, and I was too young to let obesity kill me. The keto diet changed everything!”

Schneider follows a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule, with a few 24-hour dinner-to-dinner fasts from time to time. Since starting keto, she’s lost over 150 pounds (68 kg) and she expects to meet her goal weight of 140 pounds (64 kg) in a few short months.

The best part about losing almost all of the extra weight I was carrying around is being able to feel good about myself,” she said. “Now I can shop at any store I want and fit into anything in the store. I love having more energy and I love that I know my willpower and strength is so strong that food can’t break me like it did before.

“Stay strong!” Schneider advised. “And do as much research as you can before you start! Don’t get too overwhelmed because keto is easy and fun and there’s always a substitute for a carb treat. If you’re craving anything off-limits, don’t cheat -- just adjust your ingredients! Also trust the process. It adds up. A pound here and a pound there adds up to your goal weight someday! And watch Dr. Berg videos! He’s the best!”

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