
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Daniel Chapman Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Daniel Chapman

In the before picture I was 277lbs, diagnosed with a fatty liver and had gallstones that were putting me in a hospital. I have edema on the back of my legs and I was constantly tired/fatigued and in the process of having my gallbladder removed. I was already on omeprazole for acid reflux because I was always bloated no matter what meal I ate and I'm sure I had sleep apnea but wasn't diagnosed with it. One day me and a friend were talking about going to america in 2020 but we needed to lose weight so that we could fit in the chairs on the plane so we decided to start going the gym to loose weight. Over the next 5 months I lost 3 1/2 stone (49lbs) but it was slow. While I was going to the gym I stumbled on your videos about keto and all the successes on it that I spent a whole month researching it. In January of this year I went keto full time and lost another 21lbs. All together i've lost 70lbs in 7 months. Thanks Dr Berg for the information and guidance.

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