
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


The keto lifestyle is here to stay and I’m thankful for Dr. Berg and his guidance. Success is in reach, you just have to grab it by the horns!

Images Story

By: Christine OBrien

I’ve been yo-yo dieting since I can remember. On March 11, 2019, I decided enough was enough and started my second and final attempt at the Keto lifestyle. I’d had enough and my determination was at its highest. I started slowly taking carbs and sugar out of my diet. I ate dirty keto and my carbs/sugar intake got lower and lower until I hit the state of ketosis. I followed the keto lifestyle for a while and had lost the initial water weight and finally started researching more and came across Dr. Berg! Once I started following him and getting answers that I needed I started getting healthy. At that time things really kicked in and I felt better and the weight just started falling off even faster! I found Dr. Berg’s group on Facebook and had so many questions answered and found solace in finding people like myself with the same questions/concerns. I started tracking my macros, staying under 20 grams of carbs a day, sometimes under 10. Added intermittent/extended fasting and reached my goal weight at about a year and a half in. Now this way of eating is the new norm. I can’t imagine going back. I’m human and still have the craving for that donut or cake if it’s in front of me but I have the results and willpower that allow me to make the correct decision for my health. The health benefits are amazing. I used to have IBS with constipation, that’s gone. The digestive effects are amazing. I’ve stopped my depression meds and my cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been. My skin cleared up and my sleeping is so much better. The keto lifestyle is here to stay and I’m thankful for Dr. Berg and his guidance. Success is in reach, you just have to grab it by the horns!

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Do you want to share your healthy keto or intermittent fasting story with the entire world? Feel free to submit your story