
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I started my Keto life on February 23, 2018 when I weighed 408lbs. I now weigh 342 and dropping!

Images Story

By: Yoder S.

42 years old. I hobbled into my Orthopedics on my very sore knee. My Dr informed me that I was too heavy to have surgery for my knee and that I could have band surgery to lose weight or I could try this diet she was on called “Keto”. I told her to sign me up for the surgery. She informed me that she would start the process of getting me into a specialist for surgery but in the meantime just try to stay under 40 carbs a day and give Keto a shot. I figured that since no diet would ever work for me, that I wouldn’t be able to do it. I promised my wife to give it a chance. After 3 days I noticed that this fog had lifted. I felt more energetic and focused. I couldn’t believe the way I had felt. I decided to give it a little longer. After I entered ketosis I started dropping weight. I know I am making this seem easy, it wasn’t. I would get angry about not having sugar and carbs. However, once I ate I felt fine. This is when I discovered Dr. Berg. I learned how long it would take my body to get back into ketosis if I cheated on the diet. This gave me the power to push through the cravings. I never did fold! Never a “carb day”. I dropped even more weight when I switched to intermediate fasting. I started my Keto life on February 23, 2018 when I weighed 408lbs. I now weigh 342 and dropping! I am 6’7 and have always been a big man, but this was my weight when I graduated high school! On a side note, my boss had a band surgery done on the exact same day that I started Keto and I have lost more weight than he has! Thank you Dr. Berg and staff for helping me through this!

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