
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Britta MinardiShares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Britta Minardi

I have been heavy most of my adult life. When I was 28 I had my second child and just could focus on losing the weight. At 31 I had my third child and added to my already over weight body. I tried many diets but nothing worked for long because they were not sustainable. 12/30/13 I found myself no longer employed and taking care of my mother. Being a care giver 24/7 is not an easy path. I love that I was able to do it but it took its toll on me. I ended up at the heaviest weigh I had ever been. 235. That was a shock. The summer of 2017 my daughter then my son decided to get healthy. My son lives at home so we started to discuss what path to take and knew we would have to do this as a family to be successful. He joined a local challenge and we all jumped in on the eating plan. It was a difficult plan to follow because it was VERY restrictive. So we looked at other WOE plans. I found Dr Berg, started listening and knew this made sense. It was not difficult to start since Keto is all the foods we love. With Dr Bergs videos and recipes and the support of the Facebook group I have lost 50 lbs in 4 months. And I know they are gone forever because Keto is not a diet it is a sustainable way of eating! Thank you Dr Berg!!

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