
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


every bit of my success I owe to Dr. Berg.

Images Story

By: Panna

I have a tremendous weightloss journey that I would like to share. And every bit of my success I owe to Dr. Berg. I was obese all my life. Could not have kids for 10 years. Since I started Intermittent fasting for 2 years now. I have done three 5k runs,i won a beauty pageant,and the most important mile stone of my life is having a kid. I lost 70lbs and I feel phenomenal. I try to share my story to all my freinds and family and I share with IF to them. I have also started a youtube channel to be able to reach a wider audience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGgWlJohX_M

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Do you want to share your healthy keto or intermittent fasting story with the entire world? Feel free to submit your story