
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Gavin Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Gavin

Hi Dr. Berg, I have been following your advice and viewed almost all of your videos. I wanted to thank you for all of the advice and guidance. I eliminated carbs and sugars from my diet and have gone full Keto for the results. Being a former rugby I have always been a big guy at 6 foot 4 inches. My weight was 387 just 2 months ago and I am down to 331 as of this morning using your guidance from your videos. I have been studying your videos and for the past week have slipped into intermediate fast only eating two meals a day 12 pm and 4pm. In the morning I am taking your suggested ACV drink (No cranberry juice) and one at night. I am running for 45 minutes in the morning. I wanted to see what would be the best way to maximize those 2 meals and what foods need to be focused on. Do I need to eat anything small before workout? I am sure I have a fatty liver and watched your video on how to help reverse it. I know it will take years but I want to maximize that as well. I am a father of 3 little ones and want to be around to see them grow so I am 100% all in. I am sure you are very busy and may not have time for something like this or this may be the wrong place to do it but I thought I would try. I want to thank you very much again for helping me to make the important changes in my life and sticking to them even know they are very difficult. Especially the new fasting! Please keep up your amazing work and all the haters out there are truly misguided. P.s I have a before photo which I will upload later but would like to wait until I get to my target weight 230 for the after.

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