
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


G Socrates Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: G Socrates

Dear Dr. How are you? I am from India. My story is: In 2012, 17th May, i sustained heart attack with 4 blocks,ie 99, 90, 60 and 40 percent of blocks after done of Angiogram. Doctor told me to put two stunts and i was asked to take medicines till the end of life. I was shocked. Till then I didn't have th3 knowledge of Virgin Coconut Oil. By god grace, i bought a book, Coconut Oil Miracle written by Dr.Bruce Fife,(www.coconutoilresearchcenter.org) . After reading carefully i gained the truth about the VCO. Then i purchased the oil and consuming till now. Now i have been very hale and healthy. Kink information that i am not consuming the unsaturated visitable oil because if we heated that oil it will become toxic, so I don't. Further informing you that I didn't put the stunts as well as never go to the doctor or taking any medicines for coronary artery disease. Further more i inform you that I am getting knowledge on my Heath be seeing only your videos and also i am not related to health industry. Now i am 61. Thanks Dr. Truly yours, G.Socrates, India Blessings.

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