
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I am down to 162 pounds, able to exercise, have a lot of energy, good mood, peace of mind, no panic attacks or depressed mood.

Images Story

By: Yevgeniya Jane Barsukova

All started from my Doctor's statement that soon I will need a new liver. My blood tests were bad and Sonogram, fatty liver was bad, suger level, blood pressure, depression, headeachs, anxiety attacks, and 197 pounds. I am glad that I found Dr.Berg, because I could not understand Keto diet, I never heard about it and I am 52 now. Since I listen to Dr. Berg videos in 4 month all my blood test gone to norm except cholesterol, from hand full of medications I left with syntroid 50mg only. I am down to 162 pounds, able to exercise, have a lot of energy, good mood, peace of mind, no panic attacks or depressed mood. Keto saved my life, native and I make 2 times more money now. Thank you Doc. I will be totally happy if my cholesterol will become in a norm too. I do have all my blood tests before and after if you need. I am taking blood every month just in case.

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