47 Years of Frustration Solved


By: Esther Toon

For most of my life I dealt with pudginess. As an adult, I was almost consistently between 10 to 40 pounds overweight. There was this huge guilt for a lack of self-control, and dislike for my condition. I tried many diets, would get off 15 or so pounds, but put it right back on. I always felt the need to eat less and less, but of course, that is so hard to do…because our bodies crave to be fed. I started running in my late thirties, it was always hard, and I was indisciplined with it as well. I became more devoted to it at about 44. The runs got easier and my general health improved, but it didn’t get the fat off. In 2018, I signed up for my first full marathon, started to panic about nutritional needs.

I was browsing YouTube for answers and somehow ran across Dr. Berg’s videos. I didn’t know a thing about keto, but his advice threw me back to the simple truths my Mom has always taught me: don’t snack between meals and don’t eat sugar! I started there and was binge-watching all his videos. It felt like magic overnight, just the weight coming off, my waist slimming down, my muscles firming up. It was almost effortless! Others think that to deprive yourself of sugar-related carbs is extreme and unnecessary, and therefore you will fail. I can’t help to explain that I used to feel the same, but how wrong I was because I realized that I had been addicted to refined sugar for 47 years.

Getting completely off sugar changed the way my brain was operating. I’m still in shock that I don’t even have to think about cake, for example, which had always been my hugest craving. It might be sitting right on my desk, and I have no need to touch it. Miraculous! Three years later, I’m facing some new, and sometimes baffling, challenges due to menopause and contracting Lyme disease, but I know I’ll find my way through. I’ve learned that our bodies need to be nourished with real food, organic, fat-soluble nutrients, and good sources of protein. God designed us to fast and feast, to be satisfied by healthy fats, and to heal from the inside out!

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