
Momentum in the Mountains 2024



The Knowledge Doc™

  • What is a Ketone
  • Keto Basics for Beginners
  • Keto and Intermittent Fasting The Big Overview
  • Understanding Net Carbs
  • What is Keto adaptation
  • What Type of Food Triggers Ketosis
  • Keto will Not Work Without IF
  • The New Body Type Guide by Dr Berg
  • Acceptable Liquids with Intermittent Fasting
  • How to do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss
  • Dr Berg recommended supplements on keto and IF
  • Intermittent Fasting Questions and Answers
  • The 3 huge intermittent fasting mistakes
  • The negative of intermittent fasting
  • Starving and Extremely hungry on keto and IF
  • Overcoming Adrenal Stress with Intermittent Fasting
  • Intermittent fasting and the gallbladder
  • IF and your thyroid
  • IF and Hypoglycemia
  • Does IF cause muscle loss
  • Should You Skip Breakfast
  • Intermittent fasting and hunger
  • Will many small meals throughout the day enhance metabolism
  • Is It Safe To Be in Ketosis While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding
  • Should You Do Bullet Proof Coffee On Keto
  • My Opinion on Bullet Proof Coffee on Keto
  • Do Not Do Carb Cycling on a Keto
  • Is Keto Healthy for Kids
  • Should I Cycle Carbs on Keto
  • Is Coffee Okay on a Ketogenic Diet
  • My Opinion on Exogenous Ketones
  • Maintenance on a Ketogenic Diet
  • 5 Critical Ketosis Tips
  • Key Foods on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Still Crave Sweets on Keto
  • How Long to Get into Keto After a Cheat Day
  • The Biggest Mistake Doing Ketosis
  • Intermittent Fasting and Ketosis 15 common questions and answers
  • Gastric Bypass and Keto and Intermittent Fasting
  • Can You Be in Ketosis Despite No Ketones in Your Urine
  • Why Does My Urine Have a Strong Sticky Odor
  • The Types of Carbs to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Doing Keto But No Ketones in Urine
  • Stop the Bad Habit of Late Night Snacking and Lose the Weight
  • 9 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes on Keto
  • Hungry For Carbs All The Time
  • I Am Not Satisfied After Eating on Keto
  • Stop Weighing Yourself and Throw Away Your Scale
  • Calorie Confusions and Details on Keto and IF
  • Make It Super Easy to Stick To Your Keto and IF Plan
  • The 5 Keto Macronutrient Tips
  • What Do You Crave on Keto Protein Fat or Carbs
  • Dr Bergs Coffee Experiment
  • Ketosis and Sugar Alcohol Sweeteners
  • The Type of Carbs to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet
  • The 16 most common keto side-effects and remedies
  • Ketosis and Kidney stone prevention
  • Ketogenic diet and insomnia
  • Why Cant I sleep on Keto and IF
  • Losing Hair on keto and IF
  • What is Keto Rash
  • Keto Fatigue exhaustion and Vitamin B5
  • How to Overcome Keto Flu
  • Are You Itching on Keto
  • Is Keto Safe Long Term
  • Keto and Sodium Correcting Keto Flu
  • Why Cholesterol Can Go High on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Bad Breath on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Get Rid of Bad Breath on Keto
  • The Ketogenic Diet and Constipation
  • Gout and Ketosis
  • Ketosis and Uric Acid Stones
  • Ketosis and Diarrhea
  • Will Losing Fat Release Toxins into My Body on Keto
  • Irritable and Cranky on IF
  • How Much Protein is Too Much on Keto
  • What is Too Much Fat on a Ketogenic Diet
  • The Best Weight Loss Shake for Supporting Keto and IF
  • Why Cholesterol and LDL can Increase on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Can I eat Hummus on Keto
  • Why Do I Get Sleepy After Eating Protein
  • Can We Eat Pork Rinds on Keto
  • Do Women Need More Carbs on a Keto and IF Plan
  • Good Fats and Bad Fats
  • Why We Only Need a Moderate Amount of Protein on Keto
  • Acceptable Fats on a Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting
  • Fruits and Berries on a Keto Plan
  • I Want to Do Keto But Dont Like Vegetables
  • Will Vegetables Slow Ketosis
  • Dairy Free Keto Tips
  • Fruit on a Ketogenic Diet
  • How Much Fat Can I eat on Keto
  • Why Lemons are Essential for Keto
  • Can I Eat These on Keto Beets Carrots Peas Tomatoes
  • Can I Eat Oatmeal on Keto
  • Will Diet Soda Kill Ketosis
  • Protein to Fat Ratio on Keto and IF
  • Nuts and Seed on a Ketogenic Diet
  • The best nuts on a ketogenic diet
  • The Best Cracker on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Is Gluten Free Okay on a Ketogenic Diet
  • The Ketogenic Diet and Dairy Milk Yogurt and Cheese
  • Juicing on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Difficulty Eating Enough Fats on Keto
  • The 5 Reasons Why You Need Dietary Fat to Burn Fat
  • Get More Salt In Your Keto Plan
  • Green Bananas Plantaines and Keto
  • Why Butter Helps you Lose Weight
  • Can I Eat Pomegranates on a Ketogenic Diet
  • The Real Big Reason to Eat Organic Meats on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Will a Little Bit of Junk Food be Acceptable on a Keto and IF Plan
  • The Hidden Foods in Restaurants Will Stop Ketosis Cold
  • No Caffeine Bulletproof Coffee Alternative for Keto and IF
  • Keto Friendly Pleasure Foods
  • Amazing Pancakes Using Almond Flour
  • Fat Burning Almond Fudge Snack
  • The Healthiest Cookies in the World
  • The Healthiest Pizza in the World
  • Kale Super Food Green Juice
  • A Totally Healthy Pasta Dish
  • Fat Burning Candy Bar
  • Cinnamon Roll Bites Recipe
  • Low Carb Chocolate Lava Cake Bites
  • Low Carb Blueberry Mini Muffin Bites
  • Recipe For Homemade Italian Dressing
  • How to Make Homemade Mayonnaise
  • Make Your Own Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing
  • Peanut Dressing Recipe for a Kale Salad
  • Cauliflower Hummus
  • Amazing Cauliflower Wraps
  • Cauliflower Potato Free Pancake Recipe
  • Vanilla Chia Pudding Keto Friendly
  • Creamy Strawberry Chia Pudding
  • Cranberry Pecan Muffins Keto Friendly
  • Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe
  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts
  • Keto Friendly Biscuits
  • How to Make Keto Friendly Quiche
  • How to Make Onion Crackers and Keto Friendly
  • The Best Cheese on Keto
  • Amazing Peanut Butter Cup Low Carb
  • Cheddar Biscuit Recipe
  • Amazing Low Carb Waffles
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies Low Carb and Keto Friendly
  • Low Carb Easy Cheesecake
  • Amazing Chocolate Keto Fat Bombs
  • Amazing Low Carb Pecan Pie
  • Amazing Short Bread Cookies
  • The Healthiest Bread in the World
  • Simple Low Carb Pie Crust
  • Amazing Chocolate Seed Treat
  • Chewy Ginger Cookies
  • Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Coconut Chocolate Keto Fat Bombs
  • Chocolate Mousse Pudding
  • Candied Pecans
  • Jalapeno Bacon Cream Cheese Keto Fat Bombs
  • Ketosis vs ketoacidosis
  • Ketosis Healthy or Deadly
  • Ketogenic Critics and Naysayers
  • 3 Tweaks to the Traditional Ketogenic Diet
  • 7 Surprising Things That Can Kick You Out of Ketosis
  • Burning Calories vs Burning Fat Calories
  • The Ketogenic Diet and Body Type Tips
  • If I lose Too Much Weight on Keto Will I Get Sagging Skin
  • Why Your Friends and Family are Not Doing Keto and IF
  • Is It Safe for a Menopausal Women with Adrenal Fatigue to Do Keto
  • Vegetarian or Meat Eater A Simple Way to Decide Whats Best For You
  • When is a High Fat Diet Dangerous
  • Why Having a Weight Loss Goal is a Bad Idea
  • My 3 Big Stupid Dietary Mistakes
  • Does Fiber Cancel Carbs
  • Weight Loss Plateau 101 for a Slow Metabolism
  • Plateaued on the Keto and IF Plan
  • Advanced Techniques to Speed Up Weight Loss Beyond Keto and IF
  • Why Am I Not Losing in the Lower Part of My Body on Keto
  • 6 Tricks to Speed Up Keto Adaptation
  • Doing Keto for a Month But Not Much Weight Loss
  • How to Lose Belly Fat Fast
  • Keto Adaptation on Nutritional Yeast
  • Key Vitamins and Minerals on a Ketogenic Diet Plan
  • 7 Recommended Supplements on a Keto and IF plan
  • Potassium the Most Important Electrolyte
  • Forget the Coffee Do Wheatgrass Juice for Energy
  • Ketosis Fat Burning and Endurance Exercise
  • Intermittent Fasting and When Do I Exercise
  • Endurance Athletes and Ketosis
  • Taking Branched Amino Acids BCAA while Exercising on Keto and IF
  • Does Keto Cause a Hypothyroid Condition
  • Does the Keto Cause Hypothyroid or Hashimotos
  • Does Ketosis Worsen the Adrenal Glands
  • Keto Transition and Blood Sugar Issues
  • High Fat Diets and Clogged Arteries
  • Is It Okay to Do Keto and Intermittent Fasting If You Have a Heart Condition
  • Is 75 Percent Dietary Fat Dangerous on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Use the Ketogenic Diet to Rid Migraines
  • Getting Headaches While Doing Keto
  • Does the Ketogenic Diet Increase or Decrease Heart Disease
  • Reduce Seizures on a Ketogenic Diet
  • Using a Ketogenic Diet for Tumors and Cancer
  • A Ketogenic Diet Can Cause a Fatty Liver
  • The Ketogenic Diet and Kidney Disease
  • Does Ketosis Damage the Kidneys
  • How to Prevent Diabetes and its Complications
  • Can I Do Keto & Intermittent Fasting If I am a Diabetic on Metformin and Insulin
  • Going From Diabetes to Low Blood Sugars on Keto and IF
  • If You had an Eating Disorder Should You Do Keto and Intermittent Fasting
  • 6 Tips Doing Keto with a Sluggish Gallbladder
  • Lost 80 Pounds on Keto and Intermittent Fasting
  • Success Losing Weight on the Ketogenic Diet with Shane Jones
  • From 610 Pounds to 264 Pounds with Steven Schaafsma
  • Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting Before and After with Allen Rogers
  • Stress Induced Weight Gain with Cheryl Stytle
  • Thyroid Success with Keto and Intermittent Fasting Vicki Bales Humble
  • Before and After Skype Success with Mark Christopher
  • Before After Using Keto and IF with Jennifer Lai
  • Ketosis and IF Before and After with Donovan Duke
  • IF and Keto Before and After with Santiago Vitaliano
  • Ketosis and IF Before and After with Michel Jourdain
  • Ketosis and IF Before and After with Priscila Nuvamsa
  • Keto and IF Before and After with Chris Grant
  • Keto and IF Before and After with Dan McGinley
  • Before and After Keto and IF with with David Otieno Okello
  • Before and After Keto and IF with Michelle Spiva
  • IF and Keto Before and After Success Story with Victor Torres Success
  • Keto and IF Before and After with Amit Nikharge
  • Before and After IF and Keto Success with Aysha Islam
  • Ketogenic and IF Before and After with Salem Alrashed
  • Keto and IF Before and After with LeeAnne Masserang
  • IF and Keto Before and After Success Story with Akshat Paul
  • The 7 Benefits of Keto
  • The benefits of one meal a day intermittent fasting
  • Serious health benefits on intermittent fasting
  • Ketosis acne and your skin
  • The breast cancer and insulin connection
  • Kill Candida with keto and IF
  • What is Insulin
  • What is Insulin Resistance
  • What is A1C in simple terms
  • The myth about blood sugars and diabetes
  • The glycemic index versus the insulin index
  • The Glycemic index versus the glycemic load
  • The highest glycemic foods
  • Insulin is the cause of most major illnesses
  • 13 things that spike insulin and cause insulin resistance
  • Blood sugar terminology made simple
  • What is Normal Blood Sugars
  • I feel better on carbs so I must need them
  • Why is high blood sugar levels so bad
  • The damaging effects of high blood sugars on your nerves
  • The physiology of low blood sugars on your brain
  • My blood sugars wont come down on keto and IF
  • Sleepy After Eating
  • Number 1 Tip for hypoglycemia
  • Addicted to sweets or just love them
  • The amazing benefits of cholesterol
  • The dangers of low cholesterol
  • The clogged artery myth