
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Total I've lost about 60lbs!!!

Images Story

By: Belinda L.

First time posting a comparison picture! My mom sent me this old pic and I couldn't believe that I ever looked like this. I was so unhealthy back then. 0 energy, hair loss, back pain, all over pain, insomnia, and right before I started keto I would get so sick I could barely move without throwing up. Now I have none of these symptoms! I'm strong healthy and sleeping great! I started keto about a year ago now. Took a break over the winter and did Paleo but I've been back on keto since January! Total I've lost about 60lbs!!! And I'm so close to my goal weight I can taste it! Can't wait! Big shout out to my mom Paola Molinari for helping me and encouraging me with this diet! Sw 218lbs Cw 158.8lbs Gw 150lbs.

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