
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Pranav Jandial Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

Images Story

By: Pranav Jandial

THAT'S MY 6 MONTH KETO TRANSFORMATION!! And That's my story: So I started my fitness journey in January 2017 and I didn’t know about KETO den. I was around 97 kgs with 35% body fat. I tried to eat a high protein moderate carb and super low fat diet for around 9 months!! I was working my ass off in the gym , controlling my calories and everything, but I was not seeing desired results. Then I heard about about KETO and researched about it extensively. Having a “fat phobic” mindset, it was very difficult for me to even think of eating so much fat????. According to me till that time, “fat made u fat”. But I trusted in the research and thought of giving it a try. When I started KETO my weight was around 92kgs. I lost around 8-9kgs in the initial 1.5-2 months!! At this point my body fat was 21%. I could never believe this was happening to me. I could retain most of my muscle as well. After that I knew that this the correct way of living. I realised that carbs had made my body so Fat Storing Hormone resistant that whatever I tried before would have definitely failed!! With high levels of inslin i could never have reduced fat!! KETO made me Fat Storing Hormone sensitive and my efforts started to show results. Actually my life took a turning point after starting KETO, my weight loss with KETO inspired me to help others who are facing similar challenges in their life. I started to share my journey actively on social media and even started my own YouTube fitness channel ( https://m.youtube.com/c/PranavJandialFitness ) The mental clarity and focus I got with KETO was unparalleled and now it was no more about just FAT LOSS. I made it a lifestyle and now living and enjoying it!! Helping people along the way.. Now it’s more than 6 months I am in KETO.. started in November 2017 -till date and mayne forever???? I can’t think of going back ever!! I share my journey actively on below socia media handles: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pranavjandial/ YouTube Channel: https://m.youtube.com/c/PranavJandialFitness Facebook FitnessPage: https://m.facebook.com/pranavjandialfit/

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