
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Thank you so much, for all your information, your supplements and for giving me my life back!


By: Kirsten Folden

November 2019: I was 206lbs, stuck in bed with debilitating Fybromyalga. We had spent thousands of dollars over the last decade, with no answers. Then my husband suggested we watch, The Magic Pill! December 2019 I had lost 10lbs, but I was still suffering terribly, till I found you on YouTube. I binged all the videos, learned everything I could. My husband helped clean out the "junk" food and restock with Keto foods. January 2020: I started Keto and within a week I knew I had found the solution! I woke up one morning, and seriously thought something was really wrong, but it wasn't, it was that there was NO PAIN! My joints didn't hurt, my head didn't hurt. My whole body was relaxed! I hadn't felt that in 11 years, the same amount of time since they took out my gallbladder! Go figure! I have embraced your Keto diet with everything in me. I feel 2 decades younger and more importantly I have gotten my life back! August of 2020: 125 pounds and I feel amazing! Thank you so much, for all your information, your supplements and for giving me my life back! Much love Kirsten Folden

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