
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Is This The Same Person

Images Story

By: Ella H

I started ketogenic on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 242 lbs. I'm a wife, mother of two (14 & 2), I work full time, run a photography business part-time AND I'm a full-time student. I shared these photos in two Facebook groups (Ketogenic diet - motivation and Dr. Berg’s Keto and IF Lab) The response was overwhelming. One of the questions I got was "is this the same person?" The answer is simple, no. See the woman on the before photo was depressed, hated herself, her situation and didn't care about her body. The woman in the after photo took control of her mind and body and is now loving life and trying to live it to the fullest each day. For the record both are me, but I cannot and WILL NOT go back! #neveragain #ketosavedmylife Before photos is Christmas 2017 at 254 lbs After photo is really a during photo because I still have more to go, Is March 7th 2018 37 lbs down since December 25 lbs down since January. Following ketogenics and IF 2-3x a week.

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Grandmother in Keto

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