
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I was still able to lose weight with no exercise the first 6 months and I lost 35 pounds!

Images Story

By: Colleen K.

Starting Weight: 189 lbs. Present Weight: 153 LBS. I once was a slave to being overweight, fighting my cravings and my appetite. I felt betrayed by my own body as I developed metabolic disorders and found it harder and harder to lose weight. I struggled to maintain a healthy weight for years and ended up 50 pounds overweight in spite of all my best efforts. I developed metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism and high blood pressure. I was on medication for both of these disorders. I constantly dealt with food cravings and hunger throughout the day. On my healing journey, I have lost 35 pounds and my appetite no longer controls me. I am no longer on either medication and am healed of these disorders. I have truly been set free. Due to a bad fall at work that left me with server neck and back pain, bulging disks, thoracic outlet syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome I was very limited in my ability to move. I found my weight increasing and was stuck taking naproxen to deal with my pain. I decided to try Dr. Berg’s Ketogenic and IF program to reduce inflammation and hopefully lose weight. I was unable to engage in any form of exercise due to my injuries; even going on walks caused pain. I was identified on Dr. Berg’s body type test in his book The New Body Type Guide, as Adrenal Type and secondary Thyroid Type. I was still able to lose weight with no exercise the first 6 months and I lost 35 pounds! Ketogenics and IF decreased my inflammation and pain levels and I was able to transition to essential oils to help with my pain instead of naproxen. After two months on Dr. Berg’s Rapid Weight Loss plan, as laid out in his book The New Body Type Guide, I was able to stop my blood pressure and thyroid medication. During the first four months of my journey I was supporting my system with the following products that Dr. Berg offers; Adrenal Package, Sea Kelp, and D3 and K2 products. My sleep improved, my BP became normal, my Thyroid panel came back in the normal ranges and I had lost 15 pounds. I have so many non-scale victories that are wonderful side benefits. My appetite is no longer my master. I can choose to eat as my body needs food and I can listen to my body, trusting it to not take me down a path of unhealthy cravings. I no longer have dried out cracked heals, they are soft and supple. I have watched years drop off my face. I no longer deal with puffy bags under my eyes, and it seems as if my entire face skin tone and texture have transformed. You know it must be true that you look younger when your 28-year-old son says you now look like you did on your 40th birthday! I turn 60 this September. Some of the other benefits that I have gotten from a ketogenic lifestyle are: My nails have become stronger, I have so much energy, and wake up no longer dragging myself out of bed. I no longer have afternoon slumps with no energy, I no longer have brain fog, and I can climb my stairs without becoming out of breath. My eyes have become so bright and clear that people are constantly commenting on the change. Most importantly my nerve pain has continued to diminish and my body is steadily healing from my injury. I have been able to return to some of my activities and I am a work in progress. Up to date I have dropped 35 pounds and have about 15 more pounds to reach my goal weight. But my journey will not end there. I am so satisfied with this way of eating that I will continue for a lifetime. I am not growing older. I am growing younger! I expect to continue this health journey to build muscle, flexibility and complete restoration. My goal is to bring my body to a place of optimal health. I plan on growing young all the way into my 90’s and beyond, why not? I am eternally grateful for Dr. Eric Berg and his gracious teachings that have transformed my life. He has given me back my health through this well-balanced plan. My advice is FOLLOW DIRECTIONS because Dr. Berg has done the research, he has over 3000 videos for FREE you can listen to, so listen and learn. Thank you Dr. Berg you have given me a new lease on life and more importantly I am no longer bound to a body that dictates to me as a slave driver trying to break my will. I have been SET FREE and my unhealthy appetite and cravings are gone.

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