
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I've gone from 205 pounds to 161 pounds in 8 months and I feel like a completely new person.

Images Story

By: Josh G.

Over the past 8 years, I have struggled with a lot of autoimmune issues and weight gain that have kept me from living life the way I believe God intended for me. I have been desperately searching for ways to feel better, going to different doctors and specialists who all told me that there was nothing wrong with me, that my blood work looked fine and my vitals were good. That everything must be from depression and it's all in my head. I spent sooo much money on tests going from one specialist to another doing test after test with no answers. They just kept pointing me to anti-depressants but I could not stand the way I felt on them. So limited in my thinking and just feeling so odd. I've tried everything and one day I happened to come across a video by Dr. Berg about adrenal fatigue. Everything started to make sense. He explained everything I was suffering from exactly, it was almost like he knew me. I couldn't believe it, I thought maybe this is the answer to all of my health problems. I went to his website and took the quiz and bam there it was I was definitely struggling from adrenal fatigue not to mention so many other issues that I've learned about since then. Since changing my diet to keto and intermittent fasting I've gone from 205 pounds to 161 pounds in 8 months and I feel like a completely new person. It's like the fog has been lifted off of my brain. All of my senses have improved significantly. I feel superhuman sometimes like I have a huge advantage over everyone around me but I'm also very passionate about this and want everyone to know the truth about our health. I know now exactly what I'm supposed to eat. If I have questions I can look up a video by Dr. Berg and my questions get answered. I've probably watched every video Dr. Berg has made. I am completely fascinated with my newfound health. Sometimes I feel like a missionary for peoples health. I've also been able to help my family change there eating habits and so many people I know want to know what I've done because I've changed so much in such a short amount of time. I feel like I can trust Dr Berg, that he's not just in it for the money but he really wants to help people and he tells the truth. The food, medical and pharmaceutical companies have robbed us of our health and money for far too long and it's time we take our health back. We now have that power and thanks to advocates like Dr Berg normal lay people like me can understand our bodies and how we can take care of ourselves. I will be forever grateful for Dr Berg. But I also have to give all of the glory to Jesus Christ because He is the reason that I found Dr Berg.

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