
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I’m blessed to have lost 30 lbs and I am 14 lbs away from my goal weight.

Images Story

By: Carmen M.

Down 30 lbs since the end of April. I track my macros as close as possible, but most do lazy Keto because the other way stresses me out too much. I know what I can and can’t eat, stay focused on my high fat intake and my protein and try to stay at 20 grams of Carbs daily. I do IF but I have a cheat meal every once in a while but it’s not drastic and I feel good about that. I am not a pro at this at all. I’m trying hard to stick with it and have incorporated 4-5 day workouts. I’m blessed to have lost 30 lbs and I am 14 lbs away from my goal weight. This page and you all are my saviors! Thank you!!!

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