
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I have managed to lose a massive unhealthy weight by simply following your advise.

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By: Priyabrata S.

Greetings Dr. Berg, I have managed to lose a massive unhealthy weight by simply following your advice. I am a resident of India. State - West Bengal, City - Kolkata. My profile is as given below: Name Priyabrata Sinha (popularly known as PRIYO ) Age: 34 yrs. Country: India State - West Bengal City Kolkata. Weight: 140.36 lbs Current Diet that right now I follow is given below: No Breakfast (I take black coffee in the morning ), direct Lunch with boiled vegetables with lots of ghee (clarified butter) and 2 eggs or 100 gm chicken , Dinner - Boiled vegetables with a protein source. Sometimes snacking with peanuts. Weekend - Rice, Lentils fish or chicken. Exercise: 4 days a week 30 mins duration including cardio and body weight exercise. Weight loss: 22 lbs consistent now for last 4 months. Additionally I do a 24 hrs dry fasting on Monday - Tuesdays every week. My before and after pics are attached with this mail. Thanks and Regards, Priyabrata S.

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