
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


I feel so much better about my appearance, Keto has improved my energy, my skin, my relationship with food and I’m so thankful! Keto for life!

Images Story

By: Tamara L.

I have tried my whole life to lose weight and it’s always been difficult. No matter how much I excercised and how much I thought I was watching what I ate, the weight was stubborn and refused to budge! Finally one day my sister suggested Keto. I originally started Keto to lose weight, but during all my research I realized how I was slowly killing myself with all the processed and chemically trates foods I was eating. My Keto journey soon became more about health rather than losing weight. Eight months in and I’ve never looked back! The before picture I weighted 189 pounds and now I’m down to 163 ponds. I feel so much better about my appearance, Keto has improved my energy, my skin, my relationship with food and I’m so thankful! Keto for life!

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