
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


Avriall Brown Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto


By: Avriall Brown

Hi, my Name is Avriall and lost over 84lbs in a year by doing Ketogentic Diet then I started IF. I eat 2 meals a day. In January 2016 I lost my voice and I couldn't speak for 8 month. I was diagnosed with SD spasmodic dysphonia where the vocal cords can become paralyzed. Doctors told me there was no cure and that I may not speak again but my voice returned 8 months later. I was also Dieting on my own but never heard of the Ketogentic Diet.I. Had lost 26lbs when I stopped eat bread and Sugar. In November 2016 a friend of mine told me about a diet called the ketogenic diet and suggested that I try it once I heard it was a mostly fat diet I said no thank you that will only make me gain weight. A month later on December 29th I decided to start ketogenic diet after seeing my friend lose a few pounds in 30 days. I was very afraid to try this diet because of the fat content. I saw no results the first 6 weeks and I wanted to quit but really I had lost inches instead of pounds but I did not realize that. By March of 2017 I had only been on the ketogenic diet for 3 months and had lost over 45. I did strictly Keto foods only. I was 204 lbs in January 2016 when I started the ketogenic diet December 29th 2016 I was down to 177 lb by March 2017 I was weighing about a 145lb. By June of 2017 I have reached my goal weight of 135 lb. I went from 204 lb to 135 lb. I was wearing a size for my previous size was a 16/18. I was very pleased with my weight loss but I still had a small belly so I decided to start intermittent fasting around September 2017. Within two months I had lost another 15 pounds by switching from three meals a day to two meals a day on intermittent fasting. I have kept my current weight of 120 lb from doing intermittent fasting since September 2017. My current weight now is 120 lb I wear a size 4. I stuck to the diet and was very consistent. I make all my own food from scratch I do not cheat on the weekends I eat out on weekends but my meals are very strict. I'm so glad I never gave up cuz I surpassed my weight goal and I'm very proud hard work pays off. I will send before and after pictures. I have been doing the keto diet for 1 year 3 months now. This was the best decision I have ever made. I feel like a new person. Feel free to ask any more questions and thank you for considering me. Avriall. Brown

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