
Momentum in the Mountains 2024


have started practising them and have been successful in loosing weight comfortably without torturing myself both physically and mentally.


By: Asha Sudhir

Hello Dr. Berg I have been struggling with trying to loose weight for some time as I did not know the science behind it. As I was going through some youtube videos I came across your video on what is Fat Storing Hormone, how sugar is responsible in weight gain etc. since then there is no looking back. As after this I saw your video on IF, fasting and Keto. And have started practising them and have been successful in loosing weight comfortably without torturing myself both physically and mentally. I will be forever grateful to you for explaining things so simply to us and also for sharing your knowledge on YouTube for it to be accessible to all in the world. I do share your videos with my friends who are interested in loosing weight. Thank you very much, Asha.

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